Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures BSBESB402
Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures BSBESB402
Now Only $249.00 (one off payment)
3 months - You are able to complete the course sooner if you choose as we work at your pace.
Mode of Delivery - Online Self Paced
This mode of delivery is suitable for people who are not able to attend training face to face due to commitments relating to work or personal life, geographical restrictions, or preferred method of learning, and is self-paced.
About this Unit of Competency
BSBESB402 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures, is specifically designed to complement your trade knowledge with business knowledge.
You will learn how to establish the legal requirements, and risk management practices, that apply to your business and industry. This Nationally Recognised Unit of Competency is accepted as evidence by QBCC in regards to the business knowledge requirements to be a licensed subcontractor.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and comply with all regulations affecting a business.
It applies to individuals operating a small business who use analytical skills to interpret legislation, and regulations and develop procedures to manage compliance.
This online course is ideal for people who are applying for an electrical contractor’s licence from the Electrical Safety Office (ESO), or are required to become a Qualified Business Person (QBP).
You will be guided through the following subjects by your learning resources, video tutorials, and with the support of your dedicated trainer. You will gain knowledge in the following areas: Legislative and regulatory requirements relating to operation of new business ventures, including:
You will learn how to establish the legal requirements, and risk management practices, that apply to your business and industry. This Nationally Recognised Unit of Competency is accepted as evidence by QBCC in regards to the business knowledge requirements to be a licensed subcontractor.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and comply with all regulations affecting a business.
It applies to individuals operating a small business who use analytical skills to interpret legislation, and regulations and develop procedures to manage compliance.
This online course is ideal for people who are applying for an electrical contractor’s licence from the Electrical Safety Office (ESO), or are required to become a Qualified Business Person (QBP).
You will be guided through the following subjects by your learning resources, video tutorials, and with the support of your dedicated trainer. You will gain knowledge in the following areas: Legislative and regulatory requirements relating to operation of new business ventures, including:
- Consumer legislation
- Environmental requirements and responsibilities
- Registration and licensing
- Industry codes of practice and standards
- Work health and safety (WHS) requirements and responsibilities
- Insurance products and requirements, including adequate coverage
- Negotiating, creating and terminating contractual arrangements, including seeking legal advice
- Investigating and securing procurement rights relating to products and/or services
- Identifying options for leasing or owning business premises
- Legal rights and obligations of alternative ownership structures
- Key features of workplace record-keeping processes and procedures that:
- Meet minimum legal and taxation requirements
- Maintain records in a secure and accessible manner
- Key components of compliance procedures:
- Following taxation and industrial relations principles and requirements
- Updating and maintaining legal documents
- Investigating areas of non-compliance
- Monitoring provision of products and/or services
- Taking corrective action where necessary
- Key steps in risk management process, including procedures for developing and implementing business risk treatment plan.
- Establish legal and risk management requirements for at least one business or new business venture, and implement procedures for meeting them
- Create at least one contract with a supplier of goods or services to business or new business venture
- Identify, assess and treat at least three different risks specific to business or new business venture and prioritise risks with highest probability of occurrence and greatest negative impact.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
There are no prerequisite requirements for this individual unit of competency.
Entry Requirements
Amount of Training
- Includes:
- Online learning, independent research, and assessments to be completed self-paced - You are provided access to all the required resources you need to successfully complete your Nationally Recognised Qualification. All "Learning Resources" are able to be dowloaded and printed out if you desire.
- Video tutorials including assessment guidance.
- AALI Trainer/Assessor - For the duration of your course you are assigned an experience and qualified AALI Trainer/Assessor for support.