Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business BSB40320
Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business BSB40320
Now Only $1199.00 (one off payment)
12 months - You are able to complete the course sooner if you choose as we work at your pace.
Mode of Delivery - Online Self Paced
This mode of delivery is suitable for people who are not able to attend training face to face due to commitments relating to work or personal life, geographical restrictions, or preferred method of learning, and is self-paced.
About this Qualification
This qualification is suitable for those establishing a small business who use well developed skills and a broad knowledge base to solve a range of unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. They may provide leadership and guidance to others, and have responsibility for the output of others.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Entry Requirements
Training Package Rules
- Packaging Rules
- Total number of units = 10
- 4 Core Units plus 6 (Pre-packaged) Elective Units
- Core Units
Elective Units
People who would enrol into this qualification
- There are THREE types of people who will enrol in this course:
- Those with little to no knowledge in small business
- Those who have been engaged in the workforce for many years doing a variety of different types of work relating to small business
- Those who have skills, knowledge and experience within the small business industry.
You have little to NO existing skills, knowledge and experience in small business
- You are interested in learning about the business sector and in particular, the skills and knowledge to become qualified within the small business industry.
- You may have no prior or limited experience in small business, and are exploring a new career
- Your role may involve some of the day to day operations of a small business
- You are wanting to upgrade your skills, knowledge to attain a nationally recognised qualification, and learn more skills in relation to the small business industry.
You have been engaged in the workforce for many years doing a variety of different types of work relating to small business
You have usually been engaged in the workforce for many years doing a variety of different types of work, and are looking to increase your skills and knowledge so that you can take on new roles within your respective workplace, or industry.
- Your role may involve some of the day to day operations of a small business
- Your role may involve managing a team of people or individuals
- You may have broad industry knowledge and experience in small business, and are exploring a new career
- Your role may involve managing a business
- You are wanting to upgrade your skills, knowledge to attain a nationally recognised qualification, and learn more skills in relation to the small business industry.
You have existing skills, knowledge and experience within the small business industry
You have usually been engaged in the workforce for many years doing a variety of different types of work, and are looking to increase your skills and knowledge so that you can take on new roles within your respective workplace, or industry.
- Your role involves the day to day operations of a small business
- Your role involves managing a team of people or individuals
- You have broad industry knowledge and experience in small business
- You are currently managing a business, or are a manager within a business
- You are wanting to upgrade your skills, knowledge to attain a nationally recognised qualification and learn more skills in relation to the small business industry.
Pathways Information
Study Pathway
The further study pathways available to learners who undertake this qualification include:
After achieving Certificate IV in Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business, candidates may undertake a qualification in a specialist area within this Training Package such as marketing, management or human resources. Note: This RTO may not offer all qualifications listed above in possible pathways
The further study pathways available to learners who undertake this qualification include:
After achieving Certificate IV in Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business, candidates may undertake a qualification in a specialist area within this Training Package such as marketing, management or human resources. Note: This RTO may not offer all qualifications listed above in possible pathways
Employment Pathways
- Examples of indicative job roles for candidates seeking entry based upon their vocational experience include:
- Managing a small business or enterprise.
Amount of Training
- Includes:
- Online learning, independent research, and assessments to be completed self-paced
- All course manuals are printable and downloadable
- You are provided access to additional resources you need to successfully complete your Nationally Recognised Qualification
- Video tutorials including assessment guidance
- AALI Trainer/Assessor - For the duration of your course you are assigned an experience and qualified AALI Trainer/Assessor for assessment support.